I rode into town and met Nerine Adams, Shaun Probert, Lia Giovanovits, Paul Morgan, Dave Bingley, Steve Muir & Ashley Flint along with my Mum Sharron Yaxley, and step-dad Tony Yaxley who were to be our amazing support crew for the day. We were also met by Tim, who was riding with us to St Helens. I was stoked at being able to get 7 people to join me in this crazy adventure! and it was by far the biggest ride any of us had completed. To have 3/8 of the group being women too was very impressive.
I had noticed over the few days prior that I was very nervous and had difficulty sleeping as my heart rate felt stupidly high! but when I saw the group that had met so early, I relaxed immediately. I knew it was going to be a long day but we were all in it together.
The crew! L-R: Paul Morgan, Tim, Ashley Flint, Shaun Probert, Dave Bingley, myself, Steve Muir, Nerine Adams & Lia Giovanovits.
The first 90 kms to Avoca went quite quickly and very smoothly. We had a quick coffee/loo stop before heading to St Mary's. We hit this town at the 130 km mark and my legs had been going numb. I was relieved to stand up and walk around a bit to get some blood flowing. Here we met Mike Walsh & Sam Calow, who would ride with us to St Helens & Weldborough Pass respectively. The ride from St Mary's to St Helen's was gorgeous. We had a lovely flowing descent followed by riding right next to the waters of the East Coast of Tasmania. Despite the head wind, morale was still high.
The crew riding towards St Mary's
We stopped at St Helens for a lunch break, hitting this at the 190 km mark. It was nice to have some time off the bike saddle to ease the pressure on some already sore bottoms. We gave ourselves plenty of time to refuel ready for what would surely be the hardest part of our journey. For most of the way from here was uphill. I had been warned and I'm thankful, as it was pretty brutal. I felt very sick after about 2 km of the 8 km Weldborough Pass climb. My butt was also very sore as were my toes if I got out of the saddle, so not really winning in either situation! I eventually made it up the top to meet the rest of the guns and vomited out my lunch. Great. Better out than in though! Despite how I felt, I was still able to take in the amazing scenery surrounding us. It was absolutely phenomenal. I have never ridden in this part of the state and was certainly stoked we chose such a good route, and a challenging one at that.
View from the top of Weldborough Pass
I know I certainly wasn't the only one feeling it from this point, from here on in it seemed like the climbs were getting more & more steep. Thankfully we all encouraged each other & helped out where we could. It was from about here that we were extremely grateful for Mum & Tony in the support car where we could just stop and ask them to pull over too, so we could drink or eat! Thankfully for me my nausea settled down after about an hour and I had a 'second wind'. This was very nice and I was grateful as I had been feeling very, very ordinary with still 120 km to go at one point. The approach to Scottsdale was challenging and the head wind certainly wasn't helping us. When we finally arrived in Scottsdale, I think we had 8 very tired cyclists, contemplating how on earth to get the energy to ride home including over the notorious 'Sideling'. A 5 km climb of approx 6-8%. We hit this at the 290 km mark. Although I still felt really good here (on my 2nd wind still) I decided to stay and help a friend and distract her whilst climbing up. This climb is very picturesque and it was very enjoyable to take our time going up it and take it all in. Team work and friendship were critical for the day.
Lia & I grinding it out on the Sideling
We met the rest of the crew at the top of the climb and were so relieved. That was all the main climbing DONE!! we also had a super nice tailwind to assist us home (finally). We all looked totally buggered but being only 40 km from home and meeting up with fresh legs in Adrian Adams, we managed to ride quite quickly home.
The crew at the top of the Sideling. Picture includes Adrian Adams back left. As well as Sharron & Tony Yaxley, my mum and step-dad who did the most amazing job of being support crew for the day! They even rode sections. I was overwhelmed by their generosity and support.
As I had ridden in from my home in an outer suburb of Launceston, I clicked 337 kms by the time we stopped. We had made it!! If I hadn't been so trashed, I would've been able to show my excitement a bit more. But to be honest, it still hasn't sunk in that we did this ride. Thankfully we all witnessed each other do it and I have it on my garmin, but it still all feels like a blur. The details were: ride average of 28.6 km/h and 3900m climbing. A whopping big day!
I'm incredibly grateful for the mateship & support of all the riders who joined us on this big day, and for Mum and Tony our support crew. We shared in 13 hours of fun, some pain, some numb butts, sickness, hunger flats, a few punctures, lots of bananas and water but we made it. Our ride time was about 11 hours and I was out of the house for 18 hours by the time I had food and was dropped home. It was in so many ways, epic and challenging and I am so proud.
So far we have raised $4600 combined for beyondblue and the Amy Gillett Foundation. Thank you so much to the generosity of all who donated, and a special mention to Michelle Apostolou and JT Cycles for organising a ride in Adelaide in support the day before and fundraising $530!! This made me so happy and ready for the next day.
Donations will remain open until the 1st of Feb so please feel free to donate any amount!
The links are:
beyondblue: http://cycle.gofundraise.com.au/page/GeelanHa
Amy Gillett Foundation: http://cycle.gofundraise.com.au/page/GeelanH
Once again, thank you so much to everyone who donated, sent me and the other riders a message of good luck, encouragement/support & congratulations and to the riders & support crew. We definitely shared a memorable day together all for a good cause as well as a great personal challenge.
A special mention also to Carlee Taylor & Kerianne Parfitt for putting in so many kms with me in preparation. You girls made my Summer very, very amusing. Thank you.
And to Andrew Roe, you are my rock x
If you ever have a crazy idea just before bed just like I did, run with it. Even if you have no idea how to get started. Make it happen, you will work it out. It might just make your year.
Thank you once again,
Hannah :)